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독특한 색의 외형을 한 감염물 보유
아이콘 | 기술 | 유형 | 모멘트 | 설명 | 영향 대상 |
Velvet Cushion | Territory | 100/100 | Accompanies its owner to sleep to make sure that they're fully energetic the next day. | Player Quick Resting Recovery |
Deviation O-041 is a gray and white striped female house cat approximately six months in age. The object's current physical size is significantly larger than a typical individual. It is approximately 2.3 meters long and weighs 150 kilograms.
O-041 exhibits intelligence and behavior equivalent to a regular domesticated cat, however, due to its enormous size, it requires special feeding and care. The object is lively and friendly towards humans and enjoys playful interaction. (Note: its fur is extremely pleasant to touch.)
O-041's primary Deviation Trait is its effect on the spacial optics of its surroundings. The object has the ability to control and warp the space it occupies, allowing it to freely scale its size. This effect causes the measured mass of O-041 to appear anomalous from the outside, but it has no other effects on the object itself and does not affect any other organisms or inanimate objects.
O-041's bones, strength, and other physiological indicators are no different from other domesticated cats of the same age. The object's huge mass has not caused any physiological issues and it is capable of normal movement.
All tissue samples taken from O-041, including shed fur, immediately lose their deviation traits and revert to their original size. Thus the object's original weight is estimated to be about 3 kilograms.
Securement Procedures:
Allow O-041 to move freely within certain areas of site (see Document O-041-G-001). Allow site staff to interact freely with O-041. Regularly feed O-041 in a secure designated biological containment room.
Feed O-041 without authorization.
정보 | 값 |
이터널랜드 이전 | 이전 불가 |
영원의 모래 값 | 50 |
판매자 가격 | 50 |
아이템 유형 이름 | Deviations |
수리 가능 | 아니오 |
품질 | 2 |