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Once Human 거대한 버섯 Icon

거대한 버섯

영지에서 작업 시 작물을 심고 수확할 수 있다.


Thriving Growth icon
Thriving Growth
Automatically plants seeds and accelerates crop growth. The higher the Deviant Energy rating, the faster the growth.

Location Guide - Manibus

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노트북 항목

Deviation O-031 is a large fungal entity with a height of 1.5 meters and a weight of 80 kilograms. The object is shaped like the fruiting body of fungi from the phylum Basidiomycota and the order Agaricales, and it has a convex pileus and gills that resemble those of any ordinary mushroom. The object has fleshy limbs growing out of its stipe and can stand on two feet. Its hand structure supports simple grabbing actions.

O-031 exudes an intense and unique aroma, but sample testing shows it carries over ten toxic peptide compounds of unknown makeup in its body. The chemical and physical properties of these toxins are highly stable and complex in composition, and conventional means have proven unable to eliminate their toxicity.

O-031 is intelligent and can communicate with researchers in the dialect, albeit with limited fluency. In most cases, O-031 is uncommunicative and can remain standing for long periods of time in a suitable environment.

In limited communication, the object claims to be an ordinary mushroom from (no such area has been found in the in the real world). The object claims that this place is famous for its horticulture and that its people are simple and traditional folk (these traits can often be observed on O-031). Additionally, O-031 has been observed to have a strong interest in country music.

O-031 has a keenness for growing crops. When engaged in planting and growing, the object becomes much more active, and its desire to communicate increases significantly. It mainly talks about subjects such as "taking care of potatoes after they are grown" and "the art of grafting."

Note that O-031 attaches great importance to the crops under its care, and treating these crops with contempt or without proper care will inspire enmity in the object. Thereafter, the object will refuse to communicate with the offending researcher and remain uncooperative.

O-031's primary Deviation Trait is its pheromones: the object actively affects the growth hormone levels of plants in a small area around it to promote their growth. After many experiments, it has been found that the Deviation Trait of O-031 can only affect plants and large fungi that grow in soil or humus and have minimal effect on animals or other lifeforms.

Securement Procedures:
Secure O-031 in a Grade II or higher Securement Room for hazardous objects. The Securement Room must be at least 15 square meters in size, maintained at a humidity of 55%–60%, and isolated from direct sunlight.
Provide O-031 with at least 5 square meters of humus-rich soil. Once every four months, provide the object with its requested plant seeds listed on the O-031-G-001 requisition list.

Trample or damage the crops grown by O-031.
Attempt to cook or consume O-031's tissue samples (handwritten note: I do NOT want to receive further reports of ultra-small humanoid Deviations wearing red pants and green hats near the Site — Director ).

이터널랜드 이전 비용 아이콘이터널랜드 이전
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아이템 유형 이름 아이콘아이템 유형 이름
수리 가능 아이콘수리 가능
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