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Here you can find all information about the SDFRide command. You can see how to use it, what parameters to add, what the command does and use our command generator to create a ready to use command for ARK: Survival Ascendend or ARK: Survival Evolved.
Similar to SDF except you control as either a Wild or Tamed Dino but you cannot access the creature's inventory by yourself The NamePart has to be unique enough to specify the desired creature. E.g. "mega" is part of a lot of creature Entity IDs and is not suitable to specify what you want, but "Griff" is significant enough to address a Griffin. Note: this command has started spawning in creatures with unstable melee and/or health stats. You can spawn the creature in, note the health and or melee then cryo the creature. When you throw the creature out you may find that one or both stats have changed. For a list of all Entity IDs see Creature IDs. See also GMSummon, Summon, SpawnDino, ForceTame, SDF
Below you can find all generic information about the SDFRide command.
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